18 Sept 2009


selamat berhari raya Pictures, Images and Photos

1st of all aku nk ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYE MAAF kat sumer insan yg mengenali diriku ini!,2nd bende aku nk ckp...aku betol2 minx maaf kat sume rkn2 aku x kire jauh ke dekat janji kite berkawan atau pernah berkawan...3rd,name aku AFFAN yg membawa maksud yg pemaaf...so korg sumer jgn risau sbb aku nih mmg dh dilahirkan utk memaafi...hahahahaha!

Kpd sumer kwn2 form 5 dan form 3,raye tuh mmg ah raye!....exam pon jgn lupe lg2 PMR...mkn nasi impit cicah kuah kacang sedr2 dh pekse!...SPM lmbt lg,so...SKUAD NURUL FIRDAUS,ENJOY UR RAYE!!!...maen je mecun sampai putus tgn sbb SPM lmbt lg!...


12 Sept 2009

SCIENCE STREAM...or down stream?

asal aku still struggle ah in science stream?!!...physics,bio and chemist!...ape yg buatkan aku x phm ah tige2 subjek nih!?...aku tengok org laen ok je!...
ok aku admit aku pemalas...maybe nih la kot sbbnye aku x phm!...paleng x phm physics!,dh lah buku teks x function langsong!
bodoh punyer kerajaan!...buku teks physics more like buku sampah!...i won't read rubbish!...naseb baek ah cegu physics aku dh tukar!...die ajar!,perrgghhhhh!!!...setakat nih!...xdek lg bende yg aku x phm...80% phm!...thanks cegu!...x lupe cegu 2syen aku!,baru aku phm ape bende resultant force tuh!...resultant force nih sepatotnye mase bulan 3 dulu aku dh kene phm...fizik aku asyek fail je!...
pastu kimia plak!...mase ujian august hari tuh...boleh2 plak masok pasal electrochemistry yg aku x phm2 lg...ape bende ah aku pon x tau!,x pasal2 fail...tp ramai gak yg fail!...cegu ajar pon siket2 je bout ECS...luckily aku dh dpt basic electrochemist recently...cegu 2syen lg yg tolong aku...thanks cegu hasnah!...
bio pulak!...aku suke gile bio!...gonna be a marine biologist!,aku salahkan diri sendiri ah totally sbb xleh score bio...gare2 malas nk bace buku...hehe...tp bio aku x penah2 lg fail,alhamdulillah!...maybe sbb aku minat kot?...cegu ajar dh okay...cume aku kene phmkan blek basic bio...cemane nk jd biologist klau xleh score bio?!
so in conclusion...cegu 2syen lg bagos dr cegu skolah...:D
friends!,i need ur support!...help me out of this misery!...i don't want myself to be caught between who am i and who i wanna be!...

speaking bout tukar aliran?!
NO WAY!!!...not gonna quit what i've started!...sorry mum!...no matter what!...
just trust me!...I can do it!...just gimme some more time til end of this year and we'll see the result!...
when all you got to keep is strong...Move along,move along like I know you do and even when your hope is gone...Move along,move along just to make it through...